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2022 National
Progress 8 * *
Attainment 8 44.92 *
Students achieving a 4+ in English and mathematics 68% *
Students achieving a 5+ in English and mathematics 38% *
English Language 4-9 78% 70%
Mathematics 4-9 74% 65%
English Baccalaureate APS 3.72 *

*Progress and national data will be released by the DfE in November 2022


Post 16

  2022 National
A*-A A level 27% *
A*-B A level 49% *
A*-C A level 74% *
Distinction*-Distinction Applied courses 65% *

*National data will be released by the DfE in November 2022



16-18 Year olds

2021 2021 National
Students participating in full time education, employment or training 93.5% 94%
Student not in education, employment or training 2.2% 6.4%


Post 18

2020 2020 National
Students participating in full time education, employment or training 84% 79%


In 2021-2022 88% of students were retained on their courses from Year 12 - Year 13


More detailed school data published by the DfE can be found here:

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.
