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Contact Us

Tutors and Student Support

Who to Contact

If you wish to discuss any matter with someone at the college, your first point of contact is usually your child’s tutor.  We recommend that you contact the tutor first as they see your child every day and will know them best.  However, if you have a query about a specific subject only, the subject teacher or Head of Department should be contacted.  Contact details for Heads of Departments

If you contact us by telephone wishing to speak to a teacher, our reception staff will take your details and pass a message to that teacher to contact you.  We will respond to parental concerns as promptly as possible, and usually within 48 hours, but teachers will not be able to do this during teaching time.

Details of how to report an absence can be found here:
The Spires College - Report a Student Absence
Please don't email tutors regarding absence.


Year 7


Head of Year 7- Mrs Faulkner:

Telephone: 01803 408859

Year 8


Head of Year 8 - Dr Taylor:

Telephone: 01803 408858

Year 9


Head of Year 9 - Ms Hogan:

Telephone: 01803 408847

Year 10


Head of Year 10 – Miss Withecombe:

Telephone: 01803 408831

Year 11


Head of Year 11 – Ms Neill:

Telephone: 01803 408830

Years 12 and 13 (Sixth Form and Careers)


Sixth Form Team:

Assistant Head of Sixth Form: Ms Tunnard:

Deputy Head of Sixth Form: Mr Gool:

Director of Sixth Form: Mr Davies -

Telephone: 01803 408852


Designated Teacher for Looked After Children

Designated Teacher for Looked After Children : Mrs Brown

Student Counsellor

Student Counsellor : Mrs Edwards

Student Support

Mrs Pike:

Mr Moore:

Mrs Tyler:

Mr Lamswood:

Telephone: 01803 408822


Contacts are listed on the Safeguarding pages.


Contacts are listed on the SEND pages